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3 August 2009 | | |

To Remember is to Resist

Honduran popular movement remembers teachers murdered by the dictatorship and announces new mobilizations.

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The popular movement demanding the reestablishment of democracy in Honduras - since President Manuel Zelaya was ousted by a coup on June 28th – will do a memorial in honor of professors Róger Vallejo and Martín Florencio Rivera, who were recently murdered by Roberto Micheletti’s repressive regime.

Vallejo died on Saturday morning, after being hospitalized on Thursday. He had been shot in the head when the repressive military forces violently evicted a road blockade staged by the people who are peacefully resisting the coup.

Several demonstrators were seriously injured that day, including the popular leader and presidential candidate Carlos H. Reyes, who is still in hospital with broken bones and serious injuries.

The other professor who was murdered, Martín Florencio Rivera, was killed with white weapons yesterday morning while he was returning home after Vallejo’s funeral. His family announced his funeral would take place today.

Several human rights international missions that recently visited Honduras published their reports, exposing many human rights abuses committed by the de facto regime, such as repression of peaceful demonstrators, extrajudicial executions and limitation of freedom of speech.

Agnes Callamard, from British organization ARTICLE 19, who defends the media rights, told Reuters news agency that her group had verified that the de facto government had closed down several radio and television stations that criticized the coup.

“The journalists are receiving threats and are being intimidated through email and phone. There were accusations of extrajudicial killings by the state’s security forces”, she said.

Meanwhile, President Zelaya said he would accuse the coup perpetrators before the International Criminal Court of Justice and announced he will travel to Mexico on Tuesday to meet with Mexican President Felipe Calderon.

In Honduras, despite the repression, the popular movement continues mobilized and announced that there will be two massive demonstrations on Wednesday to demand the reestablishment of the democratic rule.

(CC) 2009 Real World Radio


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