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28 September 2009 | | |

Three moons

Today marks the third month since the coup was staged in Honduras. Civil liberties have been suspended, media have been closed down and more voices demand to end violence

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The atmosphere in Honduras is of turmoil when the third month of the de facto regime is marked today. Manuel Zelaya’s life is under threat, despite being protected by the diplomatic laws of the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa. There is repression against civilians, suspension of all civil liberties for 45 days, besides the international isolation of the dictatorship.

Infamous decree

To top all legal and political aberrations, the de facto government of Roberto Micheletti has just issued a decree citing the Honduran Constitution to suspend all civil liberties, close down media that reports against the coup and bans all “unauthorized public meetings”.

Although no one doubted the true colors of Micheletti’s government, three months after Zelaya was ousted, with this declaration of authoritarianism, the regime is taking off its mask.

Based on this decree, Roberto Micheletti’s dictatorship raided Radio Globo on Monday and seized their equipment, Prensa Latina reported.

There were also threats against Channel 36, which broadcasted the atrocities of the regime in the past weeks.

La Via Campesina is pointing at the power groups

In the small Spanish island of Menorca, a group of organizations that participated in the meeting of La Via Campesina on climate change, repeated its demand to stop the coup and for the reinstatement of Zelaya in power, while they learned some lessons that can be drawn from Honduras to the region.

Friends of the Earth International, GRAIN, Asociación Entrepueblos and Vets Without Borders, together with La Via Campesina, warn that the coup against Zelaya “shows once again how scared the economic power groups and the political right wing are of the advance of the patriotic progressive forces that promote deep changes. It is essential to keep and strengthen unity and integration of the peoples in order to prevent and avoid another coup attempt in any other country”.

The organizations backed the initiative of the International Federation of Human Rights of taking the case of the coup before the International Criminal Court in The Hague, on charges of crimes against humanity.

Honduras in action

When the news of an escalade of violence continues to come from Honduras, more and more organizations all over the world are demanding the end of the dictatorship and the reestablishment of the civil liberties, which are being violated.

Besides the three people who died by the repression, other hundreds were injured, some seriously injured, as a result of the impunity of the Police and the Army.

Towards the end of last week, a group of Uruguayan organizations issued a public communication calling new mobilizations that lead to strong actions by the international agencies.

Redes – Friends of the Earth Uruguay, the Interdisciplinary Center of Studies on Development (CIEDUR), Amnesty International Uruguay, Mothers and Families of the Detained-Disappeared, the Service for Peace and Justice and ALAMES (Asociación Latinoamericana de Medicina Social), urge all the social movements and organizations of Latin America and the world to express their strong opposition to Micheletti’s dictatorship and to carry out actions in defense of human rights in Honduras and for the resintatement of the constitutional government of Manuel Zelaya.

The Uruguayan social organizations that make up the Uruguayan section of the Inter-American Platform of Human Rights, Democracy and Development, join the human rights organization of other countries to demand the United Nations to go to Honduras to verify the human rights abuses that are being committed there.

(CC) 2009 Real World Radio


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