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23 de julio de 2009 | | |

More Displacements

123 families were evicted from Hacienda Las Pavas, in El Peñón, Colombia, despite international requests against it.

1:38 minutes
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Contrary to what is provided by law, 123 families from Bolivar department, Colombia, were evicted on Tuesday, July 14th. The case was brought by the International Verification Mission on Agrofuels in Colombia before different government authorities. However, their indifference continues.

These families are part of the Cacao Growers´ Association of Buenos Aires, and were evicted despite the Colombian Institute for Rural Development (Incoder) provided that was illegal as it goes against the fundamental rights of the 123 evicted families and that clearly benefits companies APORTES SAN ISIDRO SA and TEQUENDAMA, members of the National Federation of Oil Palm Growers, FEDEPALMA.

Last week, Colombian and international organizations filed this case before the international mission on the impacts of agrofuel monocultures. Censat-Agua Viva, the Process of Black Communities and the Seeds Group wrote a letter addressed to President Álvaro Uribe, stating the international consequences of the eviction: “Colombia, member state of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Protocol of San Salvador, is clearly violating its international human rights obligations, especially the right to food, according to which the State must refrain from interfering in the effective realization of the rights of the people”.

(CC) 2009 Radio Mundo Real

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