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30 de octubre de 2009 | | |

Divided States

US envoys exert pressure to end Honduran crisis, while Republicans support the coup

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2:16 minutes
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The delegation of high officials that the US Democrat Executive Branch sent to Honduras this week, met yesterday in Tegucigalpa with ousted president, Manuel Zelaya, and de facto ruler, Roberto Micheletti.

The conclusions of this delegation will be made known today in a press conference. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Tom Shannon, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Craig Kelly and Senior White House Official, Dan Restrepo made up this delegation.

ANSA news agency reported that Shannon had warned there would be economic and diplomatic consequences for Honduras, if there wasn´t a political agreement before national elections, scheduled for November.

Meanwhile, President Zelaya confirmed that the US delegation had expressed this opinion to him, according to Canal 36. He added that if elections were carried out under the dictatorship, the crisis will not end, and that those elections would be a fraud.

While US officials were in Honduras, in the US representatives of companies of the country met with Republican congresspeople to exert pressure on Barack Obama´s administration, demanding the State Department to suspend their warning on Honduras travels.

These representatives had the support of conservative congresspeople, led by anti-castro Cuban Lincoln Diaz Balart and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen who agreed on supporting the dictatorship led by Roberto Micheletti.

“ It is inconceivable that Obama´s administration continues to fail to recognize the right to self-determination of the Honduran people in the next presidential elections, because we are not talking about Siria or another terrorist country, but of a Latin American, allied and democratic country”, stated Ros Lehtinen according to Associated Press.

Her colleague, Diaz Balart said he was “proud of (Honduran) institutions, the resistance of the people to the pressure of the US and the international community”.

The international community has been firm in its rejection to the coup d´etat in Honduras, which has been strongly opposed by local social organizations, which, despite repression, have mobilized to demand the reinstitution of democracy.

Photo: http://www.cubadebate.cu

(CC) 2009 Radio Mundo Real


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