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28 June 2010 | |

A year of resistance

Repression and isolation continue in Honduras a year after the coup d’état

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The repression continues in Honduras a year after the coup d’etat that ousted President Jose Manuel Zelaya, cutting the popular process that was taking place in the country.

For this reason on June 28, thousands of Hondurans took to the streets to demand a trial against the coup perpetrators and to call for a Constituent Assembly to reestablish democracy in the country.

However, Porfirio Lobo’s administration, a President elected in a process that was not recognized by great part of the international community, continued the arbitrary detention, jailing and torture of social activists.

Such was the case of the members of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH), Bertha Cáceres and Román Castro, who were arrested under false pretenses on Sunday 27, on the eve of the coup’s anniversary.

Roman Castro was accused of carrying weapons (his work machete), while Bertha was detained in a police raid on the road, while she was working for COPINH.

Both detentions were illegal and arbitrary and they are part of a campaign of harassment against the organization.

They were both released after the legal action filed by the organization and as a result of a campaign in demand for their integrity carried out by the networks of solidarity with Honduras.

Justina, a reporter with COPINH’s radio station ’La Voz Lenca’ told Real World Radio about the situation the activists went through and the atmosphere in Honduras on the anniversary of the coup.

“As an organization we are fighting against the extreme violence in the country especially against women, who are constantly harassed”, said Justina.

In this context, and a year after the coup that ousted Zelaya and excluded Honduras from the world stage by failing to recognize the rule of law, members of the Commission of Truth have arrived in Tegucigalpa, at the initiative of the Human Rights Platform, reported the website Honduras en Lucha.

Father Fausto Milla, and catholic nun Elsie Monge de Ecuador, Spanish judge Luis Carlos Nieto, Salvadorean judge Mirna Perla Jiménez, Professor Craig Scott from Canada and Francisco Aguilar from Costa Rica (experts in international law and human rights), Honduran writer Helen Umaña and the Founder of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo from Argentina, Nora Cortiñas, will make up the Commission that will seek to record and denounce the State repression in the country.

Milla, a firm human rights advocate in Honduras, said on his arrival in Tegucigalpa that he “will find out the truth so that the lies and deaths will never happen again”.

Meanwhile, Monge said that uncovering what happened is as important as proposing mechanisms so that acts of state terrorism will never happen again in Honduras: “another important aspect as fighting impunity is to make recommendations of institutional changes that are needed to prevent the human rights abuses from happening again and to punish those who are responsible and provide compensation to the victims”.

The reports from Honduras on June 28 show the state of affairs in the country. “A year after the coup Honduras is isolated outside and broken inside”, said a correspondent of Spanish radio and tv network RTVE.

Meanwhile, Prensa Latina reports that “under strong military and police presence, thousands of Honduras demonstrated against the coup d’etat staged a year ago against Manuel Zelaya’s government.”

The march, called by the National Front of Popular Resistance (FNRP) began in Plaza de El Sol in the west of the city, and ended near the Presidential House.

Trucks filled with army and police officers arrived in the gathering points of the demonstrators to intimidate them, said Carlos Reyes, leader of the Popular Bloc and the FNRP.

“They are trying to intimidate the people, but the Hondurans shall not fear”.

Photo: www.disidenciasexual.cl

(CC) 2010 Real World Radio


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