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6 de mayo de 2010 | |

Water Bill

Luis Andrango from FENOCIN and the mobilizations in Quito for the Water Bill

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The main peasant, indigenous and afro-descendant organizations from Ecuador marched to Quito, capital city of Ecuador, to demand a reconsideration of the Water Bill, which is thought to be strategic for the development and food sovereignty of the country.

However, some people were prevented from reaching the capital city by Rafael Correa´s administration, and others were repressed by the police, which caused a tense atmosphere.

Real World Radio interviewed Luis Andrango, President of the National Federation of Peasant, Indigenous and Black Organizations, FENOCIN.

The leader said that the claims surrounding the Bill have caused organizations like CONAIE (Confederation of Indigenous Nations of Ecuador) and Kichwa Confederation (Ecuarunari) to join FENOCIN. “These organizations hadn´t worked together since the struggle against the FTAA and the FTA”, said Andrango.

Today, these organizations “met on the streets to defend a real bill to de-privatize water and guarantee the access to this fundamental resource, a basic human right”, said Andrango.

Andrango considered the decision by the government as a serious violation to the right of free circulation of Ecuadorian people.

Nevertheless, he said that many other delegations began their marches to the capital city with the goal of making the Parliament “listen to the voice of the people”.

The head of FENOCIN said that the resistance will continue and that “if the bill is passed without consensus and with agreements with the right-wing, the situation will not change”.

“We´ve waited nine months for this law, and we are willing to wait a few months more”, said Andrango, after requesting to expand the discussion period of this law crucial for the food sovereignty of the country.

A communiqué by FENOCIN highlights the main points of the bill, among them the creation of an authority with representation of peasants and indigenous people; or the process to de-privatize the resource through the participation of the government and communities in issues related to thermal water and bottled water; and to cancel the concession granted to Interagua in Guayaquil.

Europa Press reported on Thursday that the police forces used tear gas against the demonstrators.

Photo: www.telegrafo.com.

(CC) 2010 Radio Mundo Real


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