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9 February 2010 | |

Urgent Action

Campaign of Support to women’s organization under threat by paramilitaries

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Human rights organization Amnesty International began a campaign to act urgently in the case of Corporacion Sisma Mujer, which was declared a military target by the Colombian Paramilitary Group Central Bloc of the Black Eagles Truth and Death.

The organization that received the threat has worked with Colombian women for a decade. They claim that human rights should be enforced in difficult situations like the ones resulting from the armed conflict that Colombia is going through.

The threat of the paramilitaries was specifically focused on this issue, since it tried to intimidate the people of Corporación Sisma Mujer who work with displaced populations as a result of the conflict.

The threat read “We continue to declare ourselves military target”. It also said something about implementing a “plan to eliminate the guerilla leaders who hide behind NGOs or Organizations of displaced people and who helped them under the paradigm of human rights advocates and hinder (Uribe’s) government policies”.

This is the second death threat against Corporación Sisma Mujer. This time, the paramilitaries included a list of over 30 people of the organization they consider their target.

Amnesty International is calling people to write to the Colombian authorities by March 18 asking for an investigation into the incidents and to secure the physical integrity of the human rights advocates in Colombia, as provided by the UN resolutions adopted in 1998.

Photo: http://www.elciudadano.cl

(CC) 2010 Real World Radio


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