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18 de diciembre de 2009 | | |

Nothing New Under the Sun

Interview with Sonja Meister, from Friends of the Earth Europe

8:12 minutes
Descargar: MP3 (5.6 MB)

The European Union came to the COP 15 on Climate Change in Copenhagen with nothing new to offer, and their old agreements are not enough to be in line with science and climate justice, stated Sonja Meister, member of Friends of the Earth Europe.

The EU offers a reduction of 20 per cent of their green house gases emissions by 2020 with reference to 1990 levels, and demands efforts to developing countries, especially China and India.

In an interview with Real World Radio, Sonja Meister talked about the position adopted by the European Union in Copenhagen and regretted the lack of advance.

Photo: www.flickr.com/foei

(CC) 2009 Radio Mundo Real

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