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12 April 2012 | |

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Peru: Protests and militarization over Yanacocha mining project

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Nearly 500 people met in Cajamarca, Peru, to witness an unheard of military deployment that changed the landscape of the region. Hundreds of army troops began drills in the area where controversial Conga mining project, owned by Yanacocha, will be developed.

The residents of the region report that the demonstrations are peaceful, therefore the militarization is pointless.

“They walk around the streets, they scared the children and the people associate them with bullets and death”, said a community member of the region in a report published by ALER news agency.

The residents of Cajamarca blame Ollanta Humala’s administration of using intimidation techniques, even though the protests are actually focused in protecting water and the environment.

Besides the protests against Yanacocha project, the major Peruvian organizations also took action. A delegation of the National Confederation of Communities Affected by Mining (Conacami) filed a precautionary measure before the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington, DC to demand the suspension of Conga project.

Conacami says the Peruvian state has violated the indigenous peoples rights and instead of using consultation mechanisms, it decided to increase the military presence in the area by promoting the “persecution and criminalization” of indigenous leaders.

“Access to lagoons and water sources has been restricted to communities and the company and/or the state is harassing the residents”.

A national strike against Yanacocha mining project starts now in Peru. A big demonstration is expected in Cajamarca.

Photo and video: Conacami

(CC) 2012 Real World Radio


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