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17 August 2011 | |

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Honduras: Another six people murdered in Bajo Aguan

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The news comes from Bajo Aguan, Honduras. On Sunday August 14 six people were murdered in that region of the country, as part of the new militarization process installed by the dictatorial regime.

The website of the National Front of Popular Resistance (FNRP) reported that six people died and 11 were injured during clashes in the estate of Paso del Aguan.

This happened shortly after a meeting of women of La Via Campesina in that part of the country to demand the end of militarization and violence in Aguan, a key place for the peasant movements that fight for land.

The press release issued by the FNRP reads that based on neighbors’ testimonies the assault was perpetrated by security guards of the estates in a green pick-up truck.

As a result of this and other violent incidents the minister of security of Honduras announced the militarization of the area of Aguan and the installation of permanent military bases.

“The police statements make it clear that what comes next is the tenacious persecution against the peasants of Aguan”, warned the main peasant leaders of the area.

Meanwhile, Rafael Alegria, coordinator of La Via Campesina Central America warned that this is not a problem solved with more police and military: “It is a land issue, the National Agrarian Institute and President Porfirio Lobo should take care of it”.

“Our peasant movement is peaceful, but we fight to recover land to produce and that is precisely what the Honduran peasants are doing”, said the peasant leader, according to the FNRP.

The big palm oil producer Miguel Facusse lives in this area of Honduras. His security guards have been accused of many peasant deaths.

The controversial militarization of Bajo Aguan takes place a few days after nearly a hundred women of La Via Campesina arrived in the area from 18 different departments, in order to condemn the increasing violence in the region.

Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/patrio...

(CC) 2011 Real World Radio


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