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18 January 2010 | |

Dangerous Union

Transnational corporation Union FENOSA kills three community activists

length: 1:30 minutes
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In Guatemala, the Spanish transnational corporation Union FENOSA is being accused of causing the death of three activists.

Real World Radio interviewed Feliciano Velazquez, Coordinator of the Front in Defense of the People against Transnational Corporations of Guatemala.

“We have hit them where it hurts and in response (…) to our protest against their negligence there was repression, we lost another comrade again, after having lost two”, Velazquez said.

Evelinda Ramírez was one of the activists killed in Guatemala. The Coordinator of the Front in Defense of the People Against Transnational Corporations explained that she was ambushed at night while she was returning home.

“We are deeply sorry and we are condemning this incident and we blame Union FENOSA, which has used third parties to carry out this crime”, said Velazquez.

Unión FENOSA, which acts in collusion with the right-wing politicians in Guatemala, commits human rights abuses that have been documented by the communities in resistance against transnational corporations. These abuses were summarized by Velazquez and include excessive billing.

(CC) 2010 Real World Radio


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