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24 March 2009 | |

Aesthethics course

Uruguayan TV Channel Refused to Broadcast Video Advocating for Sexual Diversity Rights

Length: 2:08 minutes
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They claim that the campaign fails to fullfil the purported aesthetic line of the company. But the incident could be summarized simply as discrimination. One of Uruguay’s main TV channels, channel 10, decided this week to ban the broadcasting of a campaign called “A kiss is a kiss”, promoted by the group Ovejas Negras (Black Sheep).“Un beso es un beso” del colectivo local Ovejas Negras.

The ad shows three couples kissing in different parts of the country’s capital, Montevideo: a couple of women, a transvesti and a man, and two men. The message ends in all cases with a legend that says the Uruguayan laws condemn gender and sexual discrimination.

After several attempts to avoid broadcasting the ad, a purported “advisory council” of the channel ended up arguing that there was “lack of creativity” in the message. Anyone who has ever watched channel 10 will know that this is an outrageous excuse.

Programs about the lives of celebrities, old soap operas, sitcoms that could be described as anything but intelligent.

Behind the slogan of “the channel of the Uruguayans” one cannot find big creative efforts. That is why the excuse used to avoid showing the ad of Ovejas Negras is quite surprising.

“This is a paradox! A public campaign against discrimination is discriminated. Sometimes reality tops fiction.”, begins the letter made public yesterday by the group of activists.

The public document goes on to pose several questions: “why our kisses are ‘not creative’? Is it that gays, lesbians and transsexuals are antiaesthetic? Why this sudden concern for the image we show and this selective power that imitates what used to be 100 years ago? What happened to the slogan of Channel 10 ‘thinking of everyone’? Are we not part of ‘everyone’?”.

(CC) 2009 Real World Radio


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