Radio Mundo Real

18 de agosto de 2009 | | |

In the Spotlight

IACHR Human Rights mission investigates abuses under Honduran de facto government

Since last Tuesday and until next Friday, a delegation from the Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will visit Honduras to monitor the human rights situation after the coup d´etat, which ousted constitutional president Manuel Zelaya on June 28th.

The mission will meet with several actors and will then issue a report on the human rights situation under de facto government led by Roberto Micheletti, although it is not planning to meet with direct representatives of this government, since the Commission does not recognize it.

This was recently stated by the Chair of the IACHR, Luz Patricia Mejía, who is part of the delegation in Honduras. Mejía stated that they will not meet with the Executive Branch of the de facto regime, since they considered the only president to be Manuel Zelaya.

The IACHR is an independent organization part of the Organization of American States, who suspended Honduras´ membership on July 4th, as a sign of their rejection to the dictatorial government installed in the country.

Micheletti´s de facto regime has criticized this decision and said he had “strong reservations” with reference to the IACHR mission, because all human rights organizations present in the country have documented numerous violations by the coup regime to fundamental rights.


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2009 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra