Radio Mundo Real

11 de julio de 2015 | | | |

A Good Start: End of first round of negotiations about binding treaty on transnational corporations and human rights – Social movements will remain alert and participatory

With the approval of a 25-page report, the first round of negotiations of the UN Intergovernmental Working Group on transnational corporations and human rights came to an end on Friday. The social movements and organizations welcomed the process, congratulated the work by the Ecuadorian Chair (Maria Fernanda Espinosa) and regretted the absence in the group of the European Union and other countries such as the US.

The social groups will need time now to analyze the text approved. But at least in a first stage, and according to what the groups could analyze when the report was launched with the time given to read it, they are moderately optimistic.

After the report´s conclusions were approved, and then the entire text, the civil society was given time to present for a few minutes their last considerations in this first round of negotiations.

There follow the words of activist Brid Brennan who spoke for five minutes on behalf of the Transnational Institute of The Netherlands, the Europe-Third World Centre of Switzerland, Friend of the Earth International, the Global Campaign to dismantle corporate power and the Treaty Alliance.

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2015 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra