Radio Mundo Real

9 de junio de 2011 | | |

Politically Important

G77+China demands sustantial agreements in Bonn

Argentinian UN Ambassador and Chair of the G77+China, Jorge Argüello, said that the negotiations taking place in Bonn, Germany, under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in view of the Climate Change Summit that will be carried out in Durban, South Africa by the end of this year, are spaces of extreme political importance.

“What’s at stake here is if we are going to work or not on the issues that need to be addressed in order to reach an agreement in Durban. All parties made commitments in Bali, made decisions in Cancun, and from the beginning some parties have been trying to prevent an agreement”, said Argüello, according to a press release issued today.

“What’s at stake is the possibility to go back to a path in Durban aiming to preserve the environment”, he added.

According to Telam agency, developing countries aim to put on the table a second commitment period of the Kyoto protocol to reduce greenhouse gases emissions.

Argüello also made reference to the priorities that should be taken into account in order to stop the greenhouse effect: “Environmental issues, the need of our countries to develop, and the equality principle that implies the existence of common but differentiated responsibilities between developed and developing countries”, he said.

On the other side, developing countries are asking the Conference of the Parties to accept Palestine as a participant country, so that this country can access funds to combat climate change.

This was raised by the Argentinian Ambassador, who said that the countries of his group already recognized Palestine and demanded its active involvement in climate negotiations.

Photo: FOEI

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2011 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra