Radio Mundo Real

13 de julio de 2010 | | |

Experiencing sustainability

The Secretary General of the World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Peoples explains the challenges faced by nomads today

Real World Radio interviewed Taghi Farvar, from a nomad tribe of Iran, and secretary general of the World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Peoples (WAMIP), an organization made up by tribes, nations and nomad peoples around the world.

He said that talking about nature and natural resources is essential for the nomad peoples of the world, because in this way they protect their way of life.

In the interview, held during the Regional Consultation to Europe, Central and West Asia on the FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines on the Tenure of Land and Natural Resources, he referred to the different problems currently faced by the nomad peoples, such as inadequate public policies that promote sedentarization, and agribusiess, which sometimes has the complicity of the governments.

“Transnational corporations are probably one of the worst plagues for the nomads, because they want to take land, then the nomads lose their livelihood because the lands are part of their territory. The concept of territory is very important for all the indigenous peoples, but especially for the mobile peoples, so they have customary rights over that land”, said the Secretary General of the World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Peoples.

“But other actors do not recognize that right”, said Farvar in a long interview with Real World Radio.


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2010 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra