Radio Mundo Real

8 de abril de 2010 | |

Living Well

Interview with Graciela López, from REMTE, Bolivia

In Bolivia, organizations are trying to spread the concept of “Living well”, related to the respect to nature and sustainable resource management.

The World People´s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, which will be held in Cochabamba from April 19-22, will provide a space to deepen and discuss the importance of this concept.

This is what Graciela Lopez, from the Latin American Network of Women Transforming Economy (REMTE), said to Real World Radio. She talked about the features of this network, which was created with the goal of making the contributions of women to production and economy visible.

Lopez said that the Conference of Cochabamba was organized after the “shame” of Copenhagen, where the COP 15 on Climate Change was held last December. It was clear that the industrialized countries, such as the US, are not willing to comply with their responsibilities. “The risks for humanity and Mother Earth are obvious. The peoples will be poorer and poorer, because it is impossible to grow crops between floods and draughts”, said the Bolivian activist.


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2010 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra