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8 octobre 2009 | | |

Practices for Change

Frente Popular Darío Santillán and its policies

1:20 minutes
Télécharger: MP3 (939.4 ko)

In Argentina, the Frente Popular Darío Santillán (FPDS) gives an important space to capacity-building and education of activists. What once started as popular education workshops in some neighbourhoods, ended up being the National Capacity-Building School. The organization is present in the capital city of the country, Buenos Aires province and several other Argentinian provinces.

Mariano Pacheco and Diana Hernández, representatives of the Education Area of the Front came to Montevideo, Uruguay, to participate in the 10th Ibero-American Congress of University Outreach “Extenso 2009”.

In a workshop on education strategies for the social movements, the Argentinian activists reflected on grassroots democracy, direct struggles and actions, autonomy, and the importance of a class perspective.

In addition, they talked about the presence of the Front in several students´ centres. They also remembered social activist Darío Santillan, 21 years old, who was murdered by the police in 2002 together with Maximiliano Kosteki, in the framework of the repression known as the Massacre of Avellaneda.

(CC) 2009 Radio Monde Réel

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