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18 de agosto de 2010 | | |

Call to Strike

Honduran resistance prepares massive mobilizations to support labour demands

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The National Front of Popular Resistance from Honduras, together with trade unions that are demanding an increase of the minimum wage; teachers and the Union of Workers of the Honduran National University, who has been on strike for over 100 days, are calling for a national mobilization that “could mark the beginning of an unprecedented strike in Honduras”.

The demonstrations will take place throughout the country, especially in San Pedro Sula, La Ceiba, Lempira, Intibucá and Copán.

“The Front is demanding a decision on the minimum wage. Also, it is protesting against the deepening of neoliberal policies promoted by Porfirio Lobo”, reads a statement issued by the Resistance. They also add that the demonstrators are demanding a Constitutional Assembly and the return of former president Manuel Zelaya to the country, who was ousted by the coup d´etat which took place on June 28th, 2009.

The Front denounces that Lobo´s administration is far from paying attention to the demands of workers. “Indifference, silence, denial, and mockery towards the social needs of the population are features of this regime”, they state.

In addition, they explain that under Lobo´s administration “human rights violations, persecution, violence and murders have increased”.

Recently, Bertha Oliva, coordinator at the Committee of Families of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras, said to Agencia Púlsar that since Lobo took office, human rights violations increased by 45% with reference to the previous seven months , when dictator Roberto Micheletti was Head of State.

Photo: www.resistenciahonduras.net

(CC) 2010 Radio Mundo Real


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