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12 de abril de 2011 | | |

Another Voice

OAS demands suspension of works in Belo Monte, Brazil

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A few days ago, a new international statement was made public in order for the Brazilian authorities to halt the process of granting of licenses to the Belo Monte dam in the center of the Amazon Forest.

In this case, the Organization of American States (OAS) demands the suspension of the works as a result of the denunciations made by organizations that oppose the megaproject and that make reference to the fact that the impacts on Xingu River will cause the displacement of over 50 thousand people.

The denunciation was submitted to the OAS by the Movement Xingu Alive Forever, that blames the Executive Power for failing to comply with the right of affected indigenous communities to be consulted.

The OAS demanded to be sent all information related to the granting of licenses and the technical arguments that ended up benefitting the company Norte Energia, according to Radioagencia de Noticias do Planalto.

In December, Norte Energia was granted a 500 million dollar loan by the State National Economic and Social Development Bank.

Many people have raised their voices against the Belo Monte dam, a project of the latest dictatorship that was surfaced by Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva’s administration.

One of the clearest warnings appears in a document written by indigenous communities in December, 2009, that stated that if the position of the government didn’t change, the Xingu River could become a “river of blood”, according to Agencia Servindi.

Photo: www.masvoces.org

(CC) 2011 Radio Mundo Real


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