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8 April 2015 | | |

A look at the First International Forum for Agroecology

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The Food Sovereignty principle, which has been under construction for almost two decades, includes the concept of agroecology, which does not have a final definition and is related to different processes and approaches. In the framework of the debate and struggle around this concept, La Via Campesina International organized the first International Forum for Agroecology with the participation of delegates of small farmers movements around the world.

The forum was held in Nyeleni, Mali, a symbol strongly related to these issues, since it was the location of the first International Forum for Food Sovereignty eight years ago. Real World Radio interviewed Martin Drago, Friends of the Earth International´s Food Sovereignty Program Coordinator. Drago told us about the development of the forum, its importance and the plans around agroecology after this international activity.

Drago sees two reasons why this event in particular can be considered fundamental: “It is necessary to continue deepening what Food Sovereignty means, and agroecology is part of Food Sovereignty. So, it is necessary to continue working around the meaning of this political proposal. But also, agroecology is now part of the global agenda, it is at the discussion table of many governments and organizations, it is being promoted as a solution to the climate and food crises. And there is the risk that it could be turned into a tool, in the sense that agroecology is seen only as a solution to this or another crisis, as a territory where food is produced or carbon is captured, and not as a territory for life in the social, cultural and economic terms of the peoples”.

Below you´ll find the Declaration of the International Forum for Agroecology.

Imagen: Vía Campesina

(CC) 2015 Real World Radio


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