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15 August 2014 | | | | | | |

No More Excuses

Agrarian Summit Demands Colombian Government to Honor Pledges

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A new rural mobilization is building up in Colombia by the organizations that make up the Agrarian Summit, as the result of the Santos’ administration’s failure to comply with the agreements reached.

Spokespersons of several organizations of the Agrarian Summit announced that the government has systematically failed to comply with the agreements reached in May as a result of the National Strike held for two weeks after a month of mobilization in 2013.

The spokespersons made a public statement in Bogota earlier this week saying the excuses of the elections and the beginning of a new presidential term are no longer acceptable. For the past three months they have not heard from the administration.

As a result of this lack of action by the government, the representatives of the organizations said that several mobilizations are underway in Choco and Guajira departments and that they will begin new demonstrations next week in Putumayo, Nariño and Cauca departments.

They also announced that unless the government reacts they will hold a new national mobilization in October.

In the press release, the organizations call on the government to fulfill its pledges and they insist on moving forward with talks and agreements, although they say they will not give up the agrarian, peasant and grassroots mobilization.

With special thanks to our colleagues from Contagio Radio for recording the press conference held on Tuesday, 11th August.

(CC) 2014 Real World Radio


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