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24 July 2014 | | |

Interview with Francisca Rodriguez (CLOC-VC) about the need for a UN Peasant Rights Charter

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Last June 27, the Assembly of the Human Rights Council voted in favor of a resolution that authorizes to continue a process towards drafting an international declaration on the rights of peasants and other rural workers.

Bolivia will be in charge of starting informative consultations with States and the civil society and to organize a second session of the intergovernmental working group established for November 2014. This project comes from La Via Campesina International, which has been working around these issues for over ten years. La Via Campesina, a movement made up by over 164 peasant organizations from 73 countries committed to identify the discrimination against rural workers (peasants, farmers, pastoralists, fisherfolk, indigenous peoples, landless people, etc) and to determine, with the support of organizations such as FIAN-international and CETIM, the specific rights linked to this group of people.

After the studies conducted by the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council, in March 2012 the Assembly of the Council accepted the final study and in September 2012 it voted on a resolution for the creation of an intergovernmental working group to draft a declaration on the basis of the project attached to the final study. In July 2013, this intergovernmental group held its first work session.

During the 26th session of the Human Rights Council, member states made a decision around the resolution submitted by Bolivia. 29 countries supported it, 13 abstained and 15 voted against.

Via Campesina believes this is a success since it shows the growing adherence to the process (in 2012, the result was 23 votes in favor, 16 abstentions and 9 votes against).
Francisca Rodriguez, member of Via Campesina and of the National Association of Rural and Indigenous Women of Chile, ANAMURI, talked to Real World Radio in the framework of the meeting of women of CLOC-Via Campesina held in Ecuador, about the victory of this movement and its consequences.

*Testimony gathered by Viviana Rojas, VC-Americas

Imagen: Víctor Barro – Friends of the Earth Spain https://picasaweb.google.com/vbarro/

(CC) 2014 Real World Radio


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