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16 de junio de 2014 | | | |

Victory of Patagonia Without Dams: HidroAysen dam complex suspended

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This Tuesday, in Chile, people will celebrate with several actions the suspension of the HidroAysén dam complex that would have affected almost half of the country.

Michelle Bachelet´s administration kept its promises made to the tens of organizations that make up the Council in Defense of Patagonia (CDP) and rejected the environmental impact assessment submitted by HidroAysen since it considered the assessment was filled with irregularities.

This is what jounalist Mitzi Urtubia Salinas said in an interview with Real World Radio. She added that the decision came after eight years of hard work by several organizations, while she said that the commitments made by the new Chilean governemt were decisive.

"HidroAysen was rejected", said Mitzi. The project implied the building of five megadams in the Chilean Patagonia, in addition to over 2500 kilometers of power lines leading to Santiago, the capital city, she said.

The Aysen Reserva de Vida, a protected area rich in biodiversity with many sustainable development projects was going to be one of the areas most affected. said Mitzi, who considers that the key in this popular victory was its multidimensional character.

(CC) 2014 Radio Mundo Real


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