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22 July 2013 | | | | | |

Threats and Vulnerability

Colombia: Members of Rios Vivos Movement in Medellin Received Death Threats

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One of the leaders of the communities of people displaced by Hidroituango Project recently received a death threat in Medellin, Colombia.

Leader Luz Piedad Mazo Orrego, who has dedicated her life to collecting minerals in the banks of river Cauca, was evicted from the area in Antioquia department in May 2011.

Movimientos Rios Vivos says that before the eviction law enforcement officers appeared in the area and threatened the leader for opposing the megaproject and EPM’ss operations in the area.

Luz Piedad and other community members videotaped their traditional houses being destroyed or burned down, their work tools and personal stuff being thrown into the river plus the insults and threats.

Luz Piedad and her family were forced to move to Medellin and last July 8th two unknown individuals broke into their house and small food shop where they threatened and insulted them while they demanded the footage.

A few days after the incidents, another member of the Movement, Jorge Mario Garcia, was arrested by the Army, tied up and left incommunicado for seven hours.

Both leaders of the movement were some of the people arrested on March 16 2013 during a massive crackdown against the people affected by Hidroituango Project. Meanwhile, the victims are in Medellin waiting for a reply from the local authorities.

The member of the movement Isabel Cristina Zuleta told Contagio Radio of Bogota that despite the reports made to the pólice and the requests for collective protection made last year, they have not had a reply from the attorney’s office or other authorities.

(CC) 2013 Real World Radio


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