Radio Mundo Real

16 de noviembre de 2016 | | | | | |

Assessment of negotiations on binding treaty on transnational corporations and human rights

Anne van Schaik, member of Friends of the Earth Europe, welcomed the participation of the European Union and several of its member countries in the UN negotiations on a binding treaty on transnational corporations and human rights violations. Nevertheless, the activist expressed her concern over the fact that this participation was not constructive.

From October 24-28, van Schaik followed closely in Geneva, Switzerland, the second session of the Intergovernmental Working Group of the UN Human Rights Council mandated to set the bases for a binding treaty on transnational corporations and human rights. The member of Friends of the Earth Europe even intervened as expert in one of the panels of the official negotiations and participated in the parallel activities of the Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power and End Impunity and the Treaty Alliance. The two networks include hundreds of organizations and social movements of the five continents that pressure in favor of this binding treaty.

After two weeks of the end of the UN talks, Real World Radio interviewed van Schaik in order for her to make an assessment of the negotiations and the role of social networks in Geneva.

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2016 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra