Radio Mundo Real

3 de noviembre de 2016 | | |

Continental Day with Dilma in Montevideo

November 4: Brazilian President will participate in mobilization against neoliberalism and in defense of democracy

Constitutional Brazilian President Dilma Roussef will be one of the speakers this Friday in Montevideo at the Continental Day against Neoliberalism and in Defense of Democracy, in the framework of a general strike called by the Uruguayan central union.

The mobilization will start at 9am in Treinta y Tres Orientales Square and the demonstrators will march to Libertad Square. At noon, the President ousted through a fraudulent impeachment will be the main speaker.

The Continental Day of Struggle in Defense of Democracy and
Against Neoliberalism is an activity that will take place at the same time throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by the following groups and networks: the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas, CLOC/Via Campesina, the World March of Women, Friends of the Earth Latin America and the Caribbean, ALBA Movements, Martin Luther King Center, ALBA Movements Cuba, Jubilee South/ Americas, Public Services International, the Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power.

Rationale of this day in the current Latin American and Caribbean

On November 4, 2016, Latin American and Caribbean social movements and organizations, far from renouncing to the defense of democracy, emancipation and the struggle against neoliberalism –whose consequences are still experienced, resulting in inequality and exclusion-; and for social and environmental justice and sovereignty, decided to strengthen our common message: the building of alternatives for and from the peoples of Our America, the defense of our rights and the struggle for new rights, to the benefit of the population of the Continent.

This is a space with history, with a continental reach and multiple identities, but with a shared element: the necessary unity to respond to the current phase of neoliberalism that overrides real democracy, self-determination and the fundamental rights of people in order to exploit the working class and plunder territories.

The resistance to the so-called transnational investment and profit freedom resulted in 2005 in the defeat of the Free Trade Areas of the Americas, which today is seen in “new generation” agreements that imply a return to the radical agenda of the economic liberalism, paralyzed by the end of the 90s after the suspension of the negotiations on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI). But new formats of agreements are arising such as the Transpacific Partnership Agreement, Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs), the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), among others.

For this reason, the popular governments of the region that are resisting transnational corporations are under attack. And even these governments are captured by business proposals, with a strong alliance with corporate communication media, paving the way for the control of public income and the exploitation of people through new market and financial instruments, focusing on natural resources and workers.

Transnational corporations are the main instrument and the beneficiaries of the free trade architecture with its different faces. In addition, we are witnessing the capture of international institutions, in such a way that it ensures the total impunity of corporations. As a consequence, processes and actions are seen in different territories of the continent where men and women (especially indigenous people and peasants) act to stop the advance of capital on common resources.

This Continental Day for Democracy and against Neoliberalism is an expression of this resistance and is articulated in the territorial, national, regional and global struggle against free trade, transnational corporations and Coups d´Etat, deepening democracy, the defense of peace and self-determination and real rights, and promoting the integration of the peoples of Our America.

The coups d´Etat perpetrated in the region, in Haiti in 2004, Honduras, 2008, Paraguay 2012 and more recently in Brazil, in addition to the destabilizing attempts by the right-wing in Venezuela, force social movements to rearticulate ourselves in defense of democracy and the rights of our people. We are not willing to accept any step back with reference to the rights achieved through the struggle of peasants and workers in the continent.

In this sense, we feel it is inevitable to advance towards a process of democratization of communication, which has been captured by oligarchic and transnational groups opposed to the large majorities to justify the plundering and attack against popular forces and territories through staging, distortion and false accounts.

These issues that are part of our agenda aim at mobilizing in a context of market dominance over our lives. We identify solidarity and international work as the principles of unity. We are united by the certainty of the need for a systemic transformation against capitalism, patriarchy, colonialism and racism.

We aim to the building of a society structured under the principles of equality, sovereignty and self-determination of the peoples, with social, environmental and gender justice.

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2016 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra