Radio Mundo Real

17 de diciembre de 2015 | | | |

People Power Action Assembly at the COP21

Focusing on the efforts by Friends of the Earth International at the COP21, Real World Radio interviewed Sonja Meister, Climate and Energy campaigner of Friends of the Earth Europe, who was instrumental in organizing the People Power Action Assembly on December 11th in Paris.

Following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, the French government banned demonstrations in the streets, including those that were planned for the COP21. Therefore, due to the unforeseen circumstances, Friends of the Earth Europe organised an assembly as an alternative in order to provide a forum for people to come together and have their voices heard.

The People Power Action Assembly attracted 2000 people from all over the world (mainly Europeans), including the Friends of the Earth family and their closest friends and allies. According to Meister, it was an empowering event in which people from all over the globe were able to connect, share their struggles, and celebrate people power.

Meister shared her enthusiasm for the activities held in parallel to the COP21, especially in regards to people action. She also stated that the number of activities, workshops (including with La Via Campesina), and exchanges that were carried out in just a week were incredible.

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2015 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra