Radio Mundo Real

24 de julio de 2014 | | | | | | | | | |

Final declaration of Preparatory Meeting for the Social Pre-COP on Climate Change in Margarita Island

On July 18, in Margarita Island, Venezuela, the participants issued the final declaration of the Preparatory Meeting for the Social Pre-COP on Climate Change that was held in Venetur Hotel under the slogan “System change, not climate change”.

The Social Pre-COP will take place from November 4 to 7 also in Margarita Island.

The declaration issued on Friday was the result of four days of work that gathered representatives from different social movements and organizations from the five continents, in addition to several Venezuelan groups. Hundreds of people participated in the specific panels and presentations and then on the working tables where exchanges and debates gave way to valuable inputs for the final declaration.

(You can read the declaration in English, attached)

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2014 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra