Radio Mundo Real

13 de noviembre de 2012 | | | | | |

Extreme Measures

Colombia: actions to find Miguel Angel Pabón Pabón alive

Several social organizations and communities from Santander, Colombia, are strengthening the search of leader Miguel Angel Pabon Pabon, who disappeared on October 31 in San Vicente de Chucuri, Santander department.

The Colombian Movement in Defense of Territories and People Affected by Dams “Rios Vivos”, of which Pabon Pabon is a member, reported that the local police said that there are strong indications that the leader is still alive somewhere in Santander. “So please, all of you, continue spreading and publishing his photos”, said the movement in a press release.

“In the place where you are publish or hang in the most visible places possible the photographs of Miguel and the news of his disappearance, this will help to preserve his integrity”. The picture and text can be downloaded here:

A few days ago it was reported that Pabon Pabon had been kidnapped by a paramilitary group.

The Colombian Movement in Defense of Territories and People Affected by Dams “Rios Vivos” also proposes to send a letter to the Colombian authorities to demand that they accelerate the investigations and strategies to find Pabon Pabon. The letter can be downloaded here:

Pabon Pabon is one of the leaders of the Social Movement in Defense of the Sogamoso River. He is 36 years old and lives in Sabana de Torres municipality, Santander department. He has two daughters and is a renowned environmentalist who works in defense of the Sogamoso River and the fisherfolk and peasant communities of Magdalena Medio region. He is known for his resistance against Hidrosogamoso dam, in Santander department, built by Isagen.

According to a press release issued on Thursday by CENSAT Agua Viva- Friends of the Earth Colombia, members of settlements, peasants and fisherfolk of all Magdalena Medio region who knew Pabon Pabon have been searching the area, such as Sabana de Torres, San Vicente de Chucuri, Betulia and Barrancabermeja municipality, all located in Santander department.


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2012 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra