Radio Mundo Real

19 de junio de 2009 | | |

Memory as a Barricade

Exhibit about the abuses of the military dictatorship in Uruguay was presented

Until July 26th, 2009, the Museum of Memory in Uruguay will present an exhibition showing files and documents from journalist Enrique Rodríguez Larreta, who during the 1970´s was witness of murders, tortures, and kidnappings carried out by the joint forces of Uruguay and Argentina, while both countries went through violent military dictatorships.

The report conducted by Rodríguez Larreta was crucial to identify the repression policies planned by the different Southern Cone dictatorships, known as Plan Condor. He also started an international campaign aiming at denouncing the situation.

The exhibit shows the files of the journalist, who was arrested and tortured by the Uruguayan and Argentinian military forces while he was looking for his son, who was also jailed by the dictatorship, and is based on the Argentinian detention center known as “Automotores Orletti”, an emblematic place due to the violence suffered by the people who were held there.

Last month, the Uruguayan Press Association was the location chosen by the organizers of the exhibit, among them the son of the journalist, to explain which were the main concepts behind it.

Renowned writer Mauricio Rosencof, Director of Culture for Montevideo Municipality spoke in the event. He highlighted the need to strengthen memory and how the ancient Gaul people carried a stone around their necks containing a important memory for them. Rosencof explained that when they were defeated, their enemies broke the stone which had the memory, because they believed people were not really dead until their memory was destroyed.

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2009 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra