Radio Mundo Real

Support us

We need you! It’s your choice not to silence their voice. Please donate to help keep RWR on air.

For the past eight years, Real World Radio has been dedicated to covering the struggles of men and women from every corner of the world, whose daily actions help build another world, different from those who seek to develop at any cost without consideration for human and environmental rights.

Peasants, indigenous peoples, people affected by oil and mining activities, fisherfolk,
workers, activists, members of social organizations, are some of the people for which Real World
Radio has been a platform to express and disseminate their struggles.

Since its creation, the radio has tried to become a tool to break the information barrier imposed by
mass media, where there is no place for these stories. RWR has tried to “give voice to those who have no voice”: but not because they lack a voice, but because their voice is ignored and silenced by the ruling, mainstream discourse.

Today, Real World Radio is suffering from financial restrictions which may cause it to cease to exist. We need you to continue doing our work, to continue providing a space for those who do not have one.

Please donate through Paypal:

2011 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra