Radio Mundo Real

11 de diciembre de 2009 | | |

We know what they are doing

Meena Raman, member of Friends of the Earth Malaysia, exposes industrialized nations at the COP 15.

Live simply, so that others can simply live, urged former Chair of Friends of the Earth International, Meena Raman, at the Klimaforum in Copenhagen.

The activist participated in an activity called “Feminists against climate change and the privatization of the environment” which was organized by the World March of Women and had the support of Friends of the Earth International. The WMW gathers organizations from several parts of the world struggling against poverty and violence.

Raman was invited to talk about what is going on in the framework of the official negotiations of the COP 15 on Climate Change of the UN since the activist is an expert on several issues under discussion and has been following the negotiations for years. Besides, her ability to give speeches keeps the audience alert for hours.

Let´s listen to Meena Raman´s excellent presentation at the Klimaforum.


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2009 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra