Radio Mundo Real

18 de noviembre de 2009 | | |

Transformation Struggles

Guatemala: interview with Isaac Rojas from Coecoceiba-Friends of the Earth

The exchange of experiences with the inhabitants of Guatemalan community of Yalambojoch, where the 6th Biological and Cultural Diversity Week is taking place, is inspiring for the organizations coming from different parts of Mesoamerica.

This is a place with a long tradition of struggles. Over the past 100 years this community has been struggling against land expropriation, and recently they have confronted, successfully, the attempts to privatize Laguna Brava, a mirror of water of 4 sq km, with high levels of biological diversity.

This resource is still in the hands of the community, and its exploitation is carried out according to community tourism criteria. The participants of the 6th Week visited Laguna Brava today to experience directly how this victory was accomplished.

“Learning from the history of the community and their long standing struggle in defense of food sovereignty is inspiring for other organizations”, said Costa Rican activist Isaac Rojas, from Coecoceiba-Friends of the Earth, in an interview with Real World Radio.

Many Honduran activists came to participate in the Mesoamerican meeting. Rojas also made reference to the situation in this country.

“Under these conditions of coercion, torture and repression it is not possible to conduct a Presidential election, in any part of the world”, stated Rojas, who blamed the “patronage” of the US and the “sad role” of the government of his country, Costa Rica.


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2009 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra