Radio Mundo Real

7 de octubre de 2009 | | | |

Food Catastrophe

With Gabriel Rivas of Coecoceiba – FoE Costa Rica, from the Verification Mission on HR and Mining in Guatemala

Real World Radio interviewed Gabriel Rivas, member of the “International Verification Mission on HR Violations of Indigenous Peoples” held in Guatemala from September 20 to 25.

The member of Coecoceiba – Friends of the Earth Costa Rica described what he called a real “food catastrophe” in some of the Guatemalan regions visited, which will be increased by the actions of mining transnational corporations.

“We’ve seen hard experiences and struggles that teach us the concept of ’good living’, which means how it is possible to live a dignifying life with a limited amount of resources, as no one here believes in the concept of development or consumption. That model and that discourse have collapsed. It is time for the transformation of the highly pollutant industrial society and it is also time for redistribution”, said Rivas.

The Mission was made up by representatives of Amnesty International, the Institute of Studies on Development and International Cooperation of the Basque Country (Hegoa) and the global environmental federation Friends of the Earth International.

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Audio: MP3 – 1.1 MB length: 1:32 minutes

2009 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra