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12 de octubre de 2011 | | |

Young Farmers Have a Say

The recognition of the rural youth and its rights to land is reflected in the Guidelines

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Is a future without youth in the countryside conceivable? The growing urbanization of the youngest sectors of society answers to the fact that life in the rural areas has become exclusive for young peasants as a result of “farming without farmers”, and also of agribusiness and massive land grabbing.

Therefore, one of the most extended demands from social movements’ representatives during the negotiations on the Guidelines on land tenure has been precisely the recognition of the importance of youth in sustainable production and food sovereignty.

Youth, as well as women and children, have a specific recognition in the debates being held at the FAO’s headquarters in Rome.

During the first days of the talks on the Guildeines between governments and the civil society, there has been a progressive consensus on the need to expressly recognize the most vulnerable and strategic sectors for the lives of indigenous and peasant communities.

A government representative from Africa explained that in many African countries, girls have no right to inherit lands or property from their parents. “That means that if you only have female children, when you die your land will be inherited by your brother’s son, for example, but not by your daughters. They remain helpless”, woman fisher worker from Uganda Rehema Bavuma Namaganda, told Real World Radio.

Meanwhile, Canadian youth representative Kalissa Regier, talked about the importance of the decisions adopted today for our future young peasant generations and their rights to access to land. “Securing young people’s access to land is the only way to ensure food sovereignty in the world”, she said.

Kalissa is an organic farmer from the National Farmers Union of Canada, a member of La Via Campesina North America.

“There are many aspects of our life as young peasants that are not being considered, but our time will come. This is another step, it does not mean our struggle stops here. We will continue fighting for a dignifying life for all. Having face to face discussions with governments is a big step for social organizations. We are here to express the needs and opinion of the most vulnerable”, said Kalissa.

She also talked about what will happen once the Guidelines are approved. She mentioned the need to implement and monitor their enforcement “in order to prevent this work to be lost, we need to make sure the Guidelines are fulfilled”.

(CC) 2011 Radio Mundo Real


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