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30 de junio de 2010 | |

Wrong Way

Spain continues promoting GMOs

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Spain spends 60 times more resources to finance GM crops and food research than agroecology, despite the fact that this type of agriculture is a greater source of jobs, according to Friends of the Earth Spain.

The environmentalist federation is demanding Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero´s administration to invest on agricultural and food models that respect the environment and that are a source of work, in these times of economic crisis and unemployment .

According to information published by the organization, Spain invested in 2008 approximately 54.3 million Euros in agrarian and food biotechnology, while 0.9 million Euros were spent on agroeology research.

Spain is the only EU country which allows for large-scale cultivation of GM maize, with over 79 thousand hectares planted with this crop in 2008 and a 4 per cent less in 2009. Meanwhile, ecological agriculture amounted to 1.3 million hectares in 2008 and increased over 21 per cent in 2009.

In addition, agrarian biotechnology in Spain generated 2000 jobs in 2008, taking into account the workers of the agrobiotechnology industry and GM maize farmers. Ecological agriculture was the source of over 49 thousand jobs in 2008. But despite this huge difference, the Spanish government continues spending more funds on GM research.

Also, Spain is distancing itself from countries like France, Germany, Greece, Austria, Poland, Hungary and Italy, which banned the cultivation of GM maize due to its environmental impacts, its health risks and the impossibility to protect conventional or ecological agriculture from GM contamination.

(CC) 2010 Radio Mundo Real


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