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9 December 2009 | | |

True Independence

From Uruguay, Chavez congratulates Mujica and Evo

00:00 | 00:00

length: 01:34 minutes
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La victoria electoral de José Mujica en Uruguay es la “ratificación” de que los países de América Latina están “resueltos a ser libres” en el siglo XXI, aunque cada uno tiene “sus tiempos y particularidades”, afirmó ayer en Montevideo, capital de ese país, el presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez.

The victory of José Mujica in Uruguay’s elections is the “confirmation” that Latin American countries are “determined to be free” in the 21st century, although each country has its own “pace and peculiarities”, said Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez yesterday in Montevideo.

Mujica and Chavez visited the industrial plant of Envidrio company, a glass enterprise managed by its workers, which received financial support from Venezuela.

The Venezuelan President also congratulated Evo Morales on his victory in Sunday’s elections and predicted that a “day of true independence” has come for Latin America, together with workers, students, women and peasants.

Meanwhile, the Uruguayan President elect thanked the support of the Venezuelan people. “We will never be able to thank enough the support of the Venezuelan people, represented by its government”.

(CC) 2009 Real World Radio


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