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5 January 2012 | |


El Salvador to become regional center for hazardous waste incineration

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The FMLN administra ion of El Salvador is promoting the incineration of toxic materials despite being regarded by international agencies as a highly polluting process for humanity.

The Salvadorean Center for Appropriate Technology (CESTA-Friends of the Earth El Salvador) is exposing Mauricio Funes administration for supporting these actions promoted by the Centro Regional de la Convención de Base, which comprises Central America and Mexico.

El Salvador and Nicaragua are the countries that are developing this pilot experiment but the initiative aims to expand to the whole of Central America.

“This problem will produce many pollutants that science will not know how to react to it, because of the high levels of dioxins and furans in the air”, said CESTA’s Director Ricardo Navarro.

Cement corporation Holcim is involved in the controversy. The company has also had problems in other countries for using polluting resources for the environment. In its operations in El Salvador, the company has had the financial support of Switzerland and Norway, said Navarro.

Photo: accionverde.com Produced by CESTA-AT

(CC) 2012 Real World Radio


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