2 de febrero de 2010 | Videos | Justicia climática y energía
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The failure of the COP 15 on Climate Change, which took place in December in Copenhagen, led the Bolivian government to call a World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth Rights that will be held in April in Cochabamba.
One of the responsible for this activity is the Bolivian ambassador to the United Nations, Pablo Solon, who represented his country in the Copenhagen talks.
A few days ago, the network Climate Justice Now! organized a workshop in Porto Alegre, as part of the activities of the World Social Forum 2010.
We share a video of the Bolivian ambassador to the United Nations reflecting on the lack of progress in Denmark and criticizing the role played by the G77 plus China, of which Bolivia is a member.
The group actually comprises 136 countries.
Solon questions the role played by Brazil, China, India and South Africa within the bloc, which makes up the main opposition to the industrialized countries.
The climate debt owed by the developed countries, the future of the Kyoto Protocol and the Framework Convention on Climate Change are other issues addressed by Solon during his speech in Porto Alegre.
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