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29 December 2011 | | | |

The resistance in the front line

The Front of Popular Resistance beyond the electoral agenda

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As 2011 draws to a close when ousted President Jose Manuel Zelaya finally returned to the country, Carlos Reyes, trade unionist and leader of the National Front of Popular Resistance (FNRP) analyzes the continuation of authoritarian rule, the lack of guarantees and the US intervention both in the Honduran public security and in its economy.

Reyes says that as a result of the coup d’état in May of 2009, there has been a change in the country’s economic and political superstructure where the powers have gained control over public services – for example through the privatization of the electric supply-and the country’s main agriculture lands.

“A ’model cities’ project is being promoted now as a result of the Free Trade Agreement with the United States that will further the appropriation of our resources, or our industrial work and our natural resources”, said Reyes.

When assessing the year from the grassroots’ perspective, Reyes highlighted that there has been a persecution of social activists, trade unionists, peasants and journalists critic of the coup regime who are still in power.

Another important issue in the Honduran reality nowadays is organized crime, mainly from drug trafficking. Reyes said that the current police force has been taken over by the Army and there has been a major role of the US in this process with the advise of the Colombian security forces.

The United States has three military bases in Honduras, in one of them they aim to build a new international airport to replace the existing Tegucigalpa airport, said Reyes to explain the growing US presence in Honduras after Roberto Micheletti’s coup d’état.

“Before calling elections in 2013 we believe that there should have been a Constituent National Assembly to have a new political and social pact and see how the country is refounded because we are currently undergoing a very serious situation”, said Reyes.

About what to expect for the coming year, Reyes said the FNRP aims to play a bigger social role, in spite of what the recognition of Lobo’s administration meant.

The calling of elections in 2013 and the international recognition promoted by the governments of Venezuela and Colombia have helped legitimize Lobo’s administration and it could also lead to a division within the FNRP over its candidacy and its participation in next year’s electoral campaign.

As this regards, Reyes said that with around nine parties running for the 2013 elections, the government would hardly have the majority in Parliament and it would therefore be weakened.

Reyes and other leaders of the resistance proposed to take the path of social struggle and a Constituent Assembly that would promote the needed structural changes in the country.

His position was not the majority position so the FNRP has accompanied the process by emphasizing the strengthening of the Front as Honduras’ main social actor.

Photo: honduraselogoali.blogspot.com

(CC) 2011 Real World Radio


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