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18 de marzo de 2013 | | | |

Sorrow and Commitment

“Chile: Our Flags and Our Hearts are in Mourning”

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The National Association of Rural and Indigenous Women of Chile (ANAMURI) expressed its sorrow over the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in a press release entitled: Sorrow and Commitment.

In the release issued on March 5, the day of Chavez’s death, ANAMURI says “It is with deep sorrow that we learned about the death of the leader of the peoples of our Latin America and the Caribbean”.

The organization joined the “feeling of sorrow of the millions of men and women with a clear awareness and revolutionary spirit, to honor our comrade, President Chavez”.
ANAMURI is part of the Latin American Coordination of Countryside Organizations (CLOC-Via Campesina), an organization dedicated to organizing and promoting the development of rural and indigenous women in different fields: agriculture, fisheries, popular culture and traditions of the countryside. It comprises organizations and women mostly from rural towns and indigenous communities from the 1st to the 10th region of Chile.

In this way ANAMURI aims to contribute to integral development of rural and indigenous women, by considering their work, economic, social and cultural aspects by promoting their organization. They work on the idea of building equal relations, taking into account gender, class, ethnic group in an environment of respect for people and nature.

In their public statement over Chavez’s death, ANAMURI underlined that “Chavez’s actions towards liberation made him the honourable heir of Bolivar. He bravely and firmly continued confronting the empire”.

ANAMURI believes that paying tribute to Chavez implies learning his lessons and continuing with his struggle for justice, dignity and peoples’ sovereignty”. “His firm political conviction and humanity and his spirit of solidarity set the path of hope. His death is a terrible loss, but, at the same time a big challenge for the activists of the world”:

As other organizations and social movements who have expressed their solidarity with the Venezuelan people, ANAMURI highlighted that the people of Venezuela is not alone and that they will be alert to detect any destabilizing attempt. “We are many more and we move forward with our flags and fists up high, with Bolivar’s liberating sword, with the bravery, courage and revolutionary conviction of Hugo Chavez that continued the work of other Latin American heroes like Che Guevara, Salvador Allende, Bartolina Sisa, etc. These paths of integration that you dreamed of and promoted are still standing, vigilant to prevent the empire from crushing the revolutionary advance of our peoples”, reads the release signed by the National Board of ANAMURI, directly addressing Chavez.

Photo: http://radiokonciencia.wordpress.com

(CC) 2013 Radio Mundo Real


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