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24 January 2011 | |

Pure crime

Agrotoxics used pure by soy producers in Paraguay might have caused new peasant death

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The first months of the year are usually characterized by the spraying of soy plantations in Paraguay, and its consequences are evident. The recent death of a peasant in Canindeyu department and the appearance of thirty cases of poisoning reported so far in 2011 are the result of the growing agrotoxics used by soy corporations on GM crops.

The model of soy production in the south of South America is based on the almost absolute mechanization, the use of GM crops that become resistant to generic herbicides and therefore large amounts of agrotoxics applied indiscriminately.

Besides being a mechanism that implies the loss of biodiversity, it represents the occupation of rural territories, which leads the peasants to migrate to the cities or abroad.

This happens on a daily basis, while the Paraguayan state remains inactive, Magui Balbuena, leader of the National Coordination of Rural and Indigenous Women Workers (CONAMURI) said in an interview with Real World Radio.

In this context, Ruben Portillo Caceres (26) died on January 7. Organizations of La Via Campesina Paraguay reported this recently.

“The peasants are leaving the countryside to migrate to other countries because they cannot stand this situation of constant fumigations”, said Balbuena. She added that the safety and health regulations are always broken in the Paraguayan countryside despite which neither the Parliament nor the state agencies act to punish the responsible.

“There is a lack of control over what kind of agrotoxic is being used in the plantations because they smuggle products banned in other countries due to their damage to human health”, said Balbuena.

The case of Ruben Portillo has been denounced internationally by La Via Campesina Paraguay. They demand President Fernando Lugo to clarify the crime and punish the responsible.

Photo: theesperanzaproject.org

(CC) 2011 Real World Radio


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