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3 de abril de 2013 | | | | | |

Other Values

Interview with Kenya Debt Relief Network’s Executive Director, Wahu Kaara

00:00 | 00:00

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The social movements and organizations always resist the projects of transnational corporations, international financial institutions and the countries tied to a decadent economic system aimed at profiting and that oppresses the peoples and nature, said Kenya Debt Relief’s (KENDREN) Executive Director, Wahu Kaara.

Those social networks are promoting economic justice and a world based on values like peace and harmony, said the activist in interview with Lucia Ortiz of Friends of the Earth Brazil, for Real World Radio. Lucia is also the coordinator of the Economic Justice and Resisting Neoliberalism program of Friends of the Earth International.
KENDREN is a member of the Jubilee South network, which comprises social movements, grassroots and religious groups and campaigns against debt in over 50 countries of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and Asia-Pacific.

Real World Radio interviewed Kaara as part of the grassroots forum “BRICS bottom up”, held on March 22 to 27 in Durban, South Africa in parallel to the 5th meeting of Heads of State of the so called “emerging economies”: Brazil, Russia, India , China and South Africa (BRICS) hosted in the same city. The activist participated in several activities of the parallel event.

The forum was hosted by groundWork – Friends of the Earth South Africa, the Environmental Alliance of the Community of the South of Durban and the Centre for Civil Society of the University of KwaZulu-Natal. It was supported by organizations from all over the world. Over 500 representatives of social organizations of Africa and the BRICS countries participated.

At “BRICS bottom up” the tens of non governmental organizations, trade unions and social movements warned that the BRICS are adopting “imperialistic positions” and promoting the interests of big corporations that “explore Africa”, as published in an article of BBC Brazil on March 27.

The participants of the forum also questioned the decision-making processes of the emerging countries for not consulting civil society organizations.

“The BRICS governments often use a radical rhetoric using anti-imperialism as their flag and during this year’s Summit they will no doubt impress the rest of Africa by saying that their corporations offer better investments in infrastructure, mining, energy and agriculture than the traditional transnational corporations of the North”, the three hosts of parallel event said in a press release issued on March 20. The participants of “BRICS bottom up” are especially concerned about the promotion of the participation of big transnational corporations from BRICS in the countries of the bloc, as there is a risk that they will further violate people and environmental rights as the European and US corporations have done so far.

During the interview with Real World Radio, Kaara also highlighted the achievements of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of the Americas (ALBA) and the inspiration that political transformation in Latin America means for the peoples of the world.

Photo: groundWork – Friends of the Earth South Africa, Environmental Alliance of the Community of the South of Durban and Centre for Civil Society of the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

(CC) 2013 Radio Mundo Real


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