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16 March 2009 | |

Old Story

Mobilization against dams on Madeira River repressed

Length: 2:24 minutes
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The International Day Against Dams was commemorated on March 14th, and there will be actions in areas threatened by the building of hydroelectric plants all week.

In Brazil and Bolivia, for instance, mobilizations were carried out to denounce the impacts already being experienced of the works of the binational hydroelectric complex on Madeira River; in Mexico people denounced the damages to the Paso de la Reyna, La Parota and El Zapotillo dams; and in Chile there were actions carried out in the framework of the Patagonia without Dams campaign.

False solutions to the energy crisis, destruction of ecosystems and forced displacement of communities are some of the concepts mainly used by the social organizations opposing this model.

One of the most complex situations during this weekend took place in Porto Velho, Brazil, in the framework of an activity to denounce the impacts of dams on Madeira River, called for by the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB).

The demonstrators tried to carry their protest to the headquarters of the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform, but they were strongly repressed by Federal Police officers.

In a clear non hospitable gesture, police officers arrested six Bolivian activists who were participating in the protests and a few hours later they were deported to their country.

According to information issued by the Latin American Network Against Dams (Redlar), Manuel Lima, worker and former Executive Secretary from the Federation of Pando Peasants and one of the coordinators of the Bolivian Forum of Environment and Doris Domínguez, representative from the Federation of Peasant Women Bartolina Sisa were among the leaders arrested.

The Latin American coordination against dams believes these repressive actions which don´t respect borders show that the struggle against these megaprojects “shouldn´t have borders as well”.

“The interests promoted by capital are the same everywhere, and they even take the same repressive and offensive means. The struggle of the people affected continues with a permanent violation of human rights, in every shape and in every possible opportunity”, Redlar states.

Imagen: http://www.redlar.org

(CC) 2009 Real World Radio


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