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12 de octubre de 2010 | |


Controversial alumina plant in Hungary will restart its operations after environmental disaster

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The Company responsible a few days ago for one of the largest environmental disasters in Hungary, Magyar Aluminium (MAL), will restart its operations this weekend, even though it will be nationalized.

Last Monday, around 1million cubic meters of red sludge – a toxic sludge derived from the production of alumina – leaked from the plant, affecting populations and polluting several rivers, among them the Danube.

In addition, the sludge resulted in the death of eight people and 123 people injured, according to Reuters news agency.

According to environmentalist organization Greenpeace at a press conference held last week in Austria, the organization found significant amounts of mercury and arsenic in the samples of the sludge analyzed after the disaster, which could have long-lasting effects on the environment and the population, since arsenic affects the nervous system of people.

Also, Friends of the Earth Europe issued a statement where they indicated that far too often we see environmental disasters of this kind, yet we continue to see corporations opposing to strong environmental, health and safety regulations.

“Corporations say the costs are too high, but the real cost of weak regulation is clear for all to see”, states the press release.

While the National Bureau of Investigations of Hungary accused Zoltan Bakonyi –former director of MAL- of negligence, for not making the necessary decisions to protect life, integrity and property, and decided to take him into custody, the company will restart its operations this weekend.

Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, said that the State needs to take control of the company responsible for the catastrophe, and that the company will restart its operations but under the control of the state. According to the Hungarian authorities, this decision was made to maintain the job source of the workers, around 3000 people.

It was reported that all measures needed to prevent a second leak of the red sludge will be taken.

Photo: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture

Photo Gallery: http://blogs.sacbee.com/photos/2010/10/hungarian-sludge-spill-one-wee.html

(CC) 2010 Radio Mundo Real


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