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4 April 2012 | |

Just and Urgent

Mexico: compensation demanded for people affected by El Cajon and Picachos dams

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Some die due to the growing criminalization and others die waiting. One of them is Mexican peasant leader Higinio Lopez Delgado, affected by El Cajón dam, who died on March 28th without receiving the compensation he deserved.

Lopez Delgado’s case was reported by the Mexican Movement of People Affected by Dams and in Defense of Rivers (Mapder), a national model of resistance to the energy model based on large hydroelectric dams.

And this is one of the many cases. Lopez Delgado lived in El Ciruelo community, Nayarit State, and was one of the peasants who lost his lands and cattle when El Cajon dam was built on Santiago River in 2006.

From that moment on, the hundreds of people displaced by the dam are demanding the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) to comply with the offers they made to justify the initiative. According to Mapder, the public company promised “a better quality of life, unlimited access to fisheries, proper compensation and works in the new town”.

But that never happened and today, El Cajon, is sadly considered a negative background by other similar processes, for instance the struggle against the building of another dam by the people of Temacapulin.

“The same that Temacapulin authorities are promising the population was promised a few years ago in Nayarit, where El Cajon dam was built”, said opponents to El Zapotillo Dam, in Jalisco State.

Then, they quoted the testimony of Higinio Lopez Delgado himself, who was interviewed by La Jornada newspaper: “they destroyed our farms, our lands, our cattle and animals, our... everything and they haven’t paid us anything, because we don’t want a pittance. We will accept compensation, but proper compensation”.

With reference to this, Mapder demands the federal government and the CFE to comply with the legal processes, the payment of compensation and the remedy measures for the people affected by the building of El Cajon and Picachos dams, the latter in Sinaloa State.

Precisely, this weekend around 800 community members affected by the building of Picachos were repressed by the police during a demonstration while they were demanding these issues.

(CC) 2012 Real World Radio


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