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22 de septiembre de 2009 | | |


Zelaya is back in Honduras, 86 days after the coup

00:00 | 00:00

length: 1:18 minutes
Descargar: MP3 (915.8 KB)

The Constitutional President of Honduras is back in Tegucigalpa since early Monday morning, 86 days after the coup. The atmosphere in the main streets of the Honduran capital is of mobilization, celebration and alert.

Mabel Márquez from La Via Campesina Honduras describes the atmosphere in Honduras after the return of Manuel Zelaya to the country.

Zelaya met with leaders of the Front of Resistance Against the Coup in the Brazilian Embassy after which, he headed towards the UN headquarters.

From the balcony of the Brazilian embassy he waved at the crowd of people gathered outside.

It was the confirmation of the rumours that spread really fast, reaching alernative radio stations, which reported the news and urged the people to take to the streets.

Real World Radio spoke with the member of La Via Campesina Honduras, Mabel Marquez.

She was just returning from the mobilization outside the Brazilian Embassy.

The presence of the riot police was increasing at 1.30 pm local time, although there were no clashes between the police and the people, who welcomed their president, almost 3 months after the coup forced him to the exile.

(CC) 2009 Radio Mundo Real


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