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21 de abril de 2010 | |

High Morals

Peasant struggle present at the Conference on Climate Change

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Hundreds of people expressed their rejection at the opening ceremony of the People´s Conference on Climate Change being held in Cochabamba, when a spokesperson read a letter from UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon. Participants booed and chanted the word “liar” as the UN envoy spoke.

Social movements oppose the anti-democratic attitude of the UN at the official negotiations on climate change, particularly after the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention held in December, 2009, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

All the other speakers were greeted by the thousands of people present at Tiquipaya Stadium, close to Cochabamba and where the conference is taking place (Universidad del Valle, UNIVALLE). The organizers of the conference are using the name of both cities to refer to the official venue.

The person in charge of speaking at the opening ceremony of the Conference on Climate Change on behalf of South America was Itelvina Masioli, member of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST).

She is also member of the Latin American Coordination of Peasant Organizations (CLOC) and La Via Campesina International. Masioli said that the movements are grateful for this conference called by “a president and a people with high political morals to do so”.

Photo: Radio Mundo Real.

(CC) 2010 Radio Mundo Real


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