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English · Español · français

6 de marzo de 2009 | | |

Fundamental Right

Everything ready for World Water Forum in Turkey

00:00 | 00:00

Lenght: 8:08 minutes
Descargar: MP3 (3.7 MB)

The 5th World Water Forum will begin in ten days in Istanbul, and the Latin American movements in defense of water are getting ready to participate, denouncing the privatizing policies, mainly by the World Water Council and the World Bank.

Danilo Urrea, Real World Radio´s correspondent in Colombia, talked to Claudia Campero from the Coalition of Mexican Organizations for the Right to Water -COMDA- who participated in the organization of the parallel activities in Mexico 2006 and is following the debates and agreements for the Istanbul Forum.

Audio only available in Spanish.

(CC) 2009 Radio Mundo Real

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